Wednesday, June 11, 2008

男兒當自強 (Man of Determination - Cantonese)

(George Lam)

O hei o siu man chung long
Defiantly facing insurmountable odds

Yit huet yit sing hung yat gwong
Burning with righteous spirit like this red sunlight

Daam si tit da
With resolute courage

Gwat ji jing gong
With an uncompromising character

Hung kam baak chin jeung
With the broadest mind

Ngaan gwong maan lei cheung
With a far-sighted vision

Sai fen yiu faat ji keung
I go all out to make the country strong

Jo ho hon
To be a great hero

Jo goh ho hon ji
In order to be a great hero

Mui tin yiu ji keung
Every day you must push yourself

Yit huet naam ji
The righteous spirit of a hero

bit sing hung yat gwong
burns brighter than the sun

Yeung hoi tin wai ngoh jeui neng leung
Sea and sky yield their power for me to gather

Heui hoi tin pik dei
Let me fight for my own destiny

Wai ngoh lei seung heui cheung
Towards my ideals I will charge

Hon bik boh go jong
Witness the azure waves, tall and vigorous

yau hon bik hung gwong fut ho hei yeung
and the azure skies, as broad and vast as my indomitable spirit

Gei si naam yi dong ji keung
I am a man of strength and determination

On bo ding hung dai ga jok dung leung
Chin up, chest out, we uphold the nation

Jo ho hon
Be great heroes

Yung ngoh baak dim yit
My ambition ignites a hundred spirits

Yiu chut chin fen gwong
Shines outwards like a thousand spectra

Jo goh ho hon ji
To be a great warrior

Yit huet yit cheung yit
I raise my righteous and courageous spirit

Bit sing hung yat gwong
Burning brighter than the sun

傲氣面對萬重浪 熱血像那紅日光
膽似鐵打 骨如精鋼
胸襟百千丈 眼光萬里長
我發奮圖強 做好漢
做個好漢子 每天要自強
熱血男兒漢 比太陽更光
去開天闢地 為我理想去闖
看碧波高壯 又看碧空廣闊浩氣楊
昂步挺胸大家作棟樑 做好漢
用我百點熱 耀出千分光
做個好漢子 熱血熱腸熱 比太陽更光
去開天闢地 為我理想去闖
看碧波高壯 又看碧空廣闊浩氣楊
昂步挺胸大家作棟樑 做好漢
用我百點熱 耀出千分光
做個好漢子 熱血熱腸熱 比太陽更光
做個好漢子 熱血熱腸熱 比太陽更光

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